The Karridale community have been denied any explanation as
to why the plan they favoured for development of their location was rejected
without official comment from the professional planning team at the Shire of
Augusta Margaret River. Gary and his team have given us no insight into what
guided their decision making processes.
Tuesday, 8 October 2013
Economic Sustainability?
I still haven’t been sent any clear definitions of sustainable development and so I’ll just
plod on with considering it to be some form of development that allows a
community to thrive and flourish in a way that supports a shared perception
that there is a worthwhile future.
Monday, 7 October 2013
Sustainable Society?
What does
this mean? We often hear sustainable this, or sustainable that, but does anyone
explain to the community what having their social, economic and environmental
development planned in ways that are sustainable will mean in ways we can
understand? The answer is a very definite NO!
Thursday, 3 October 2013
The Wonder of Woolies
The wonder of woollies that causes many residents distress
can possibly be explained by the apparent injustice of the process preceding
the decision. The speed with which all community aspirations were swept aside
in order to deliver a new shire office building was bound to be recognised by
the residents as a demonstration of inequity in both planning and complete lack of self-determination for the residents.
Withering words?
“Demonizing”, “shire bashing” these are all emotive words
that can be used to describe a person with a different point of view. Withering words intended to cut the opposition down to size.
Wednesday, 2 October 2013
The Prevelly Development Trust
Apart from
being another piece of inappropriate development in a high bushfire risk area is
there a common factor in the development of Prevelly and the development of Karridale?
Why did they buy Kalkarri Rise?
In response to the post "Community Engagement" James asked the question, "didn't the residents of Kalkarri Rise know there was a state forest adjacent?"
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
Community Engagement?
It's so easy for a detached and ill informed person to argue that the community have been given every opportunity to engage with the shire in the decision making process. Such a view breeds the opinion that it is merely the lack of interest from the community that makes it impossible for the Councillors and professional planners to enagage adequately with those they claim to represent or work for - right?
Monday, 30 September 2013
Shire bashing?
What is
shire bashing?
Trying to
get an answer to questions you feel it necessary to ask?
about something that you believe to be wrong?
Cognitive dissonance?
Dissonance is aroused when people are confronted
with information that is inconsistent with their beliefs, with their view of
reality. In Rory Sutherland’s TED we see a classic piece of marketing that
demonstrates how easily we can be convinced that the diamond is a square. Or are
you much smarter than those in the focus group? Even if you are smart you might
learn a few things from Rory.
Tuesday, 24 September 2013
Argyle and Bute have a lesson for AMRSC
When Argyle and Bute Council tried to suppress criticism
they were receiving from a 9 year old girl, Martha Payne, they learnt very
quickly that it just wasn’t going to work. In this TED Clay gives us a few
pointers as to why new media might assist the spread of democracy.
Missing clause?
Are we all
comfortable that after our shire have invited us all to comment on a plan or
proposal they can change the supporting documents? Alter the records after we
have commented. Do any of us spot a flaw with such a dynamic system? It does
leave a gaping hole in our controls, an opportunity for a mischievous weasel to
get to work perhaps?
Karridale priest missing!
The shire have expunged from the records all
trace of our Karridale priest ever attending a workshop at the Karridale Hall.
There is no longer a shred of evidence
that he was there to witness the strange mob the planners rustled up to
represent the Karridale community.
Not a shred of evidence?
We all read
the CEO’s explanation in the local press last week, about how someone has lost
their job because they were critical of the CEO and possibly suggested all was
not as it should be in Wallcliffe House.
Sunday, 22 September 2013
What if?
Just a little cartoon to remind us all that whenever we invest some of our precious resources in trying to make improvements, as we travel along in life, it's never going to be time wasted. Whatever happens as regards elections, and Council budgets, etc. we are learning and sharing the experience of building the AMRCV community via Facebook.
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Atheism 2.0
What does Sunday mean to you? Those of you who know me will
know that I am a Christian, and that my family has an abundance of clergy
within its ranks. For us the rhythm of the week will always be punctuated by a
Sunday pause, and whatever style of service we might enjoy it will always
provide the space in our lives for the forgiveness of sins.
Friday, 20 September 2013
Apathetic ?
It has been suggested that as a community we are apathetic in Augusta Margaret River Shire? I disagree. I diagnose our condition not as apathy, but merely a bad case of 'learned helplessness' which can keep
people living in circumstances that are unsatisfactory even when they do have
the power and resources to make changes.
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Are We Idiots?
Those of you
following this blog will have read about the wisdom of the psychopath but George
Papandreou touches on the wisdom of the crowd and urges us to not be idiots. He
is a man who is willing to share his experience, what he has learnt from
failure, and in 20 minutes he could provoke some deep thinking about democracy.
Wednesday, 18 September 2013
Can we have "Sure and Certain"?
A resident listening to a developer telling the community of the benefits that might come when the development was approved protested, “We don’t want possibly, we want sure and certain.”
Can we ever
have sure and certain? Not in this life, except for death and taxes. But we can
certainly reduce our exposure to risk by making sure that we have good research
behind any decision making. If our shire is reluctant to reference the
research, ask why?
Tuesday, 17 September 2013
Group Think and Risky Shift
Whenever we have a decision making situation we need to
beware of the influence of group think, and risky shift, also known as group polarisation,
because these can result in seriously flawed outcomes. The web can provide adequate overviews of group think, and
risky shift and group polarization for anyone curious about the meaning of
these terms. Once we understand and recognise that such psychological
effects occur we need to do some deep thinking about examples in our own shire,
and how might we develop strategies to improve.
Sunday, 15 September 2013
Letter from Julia
A few decades ago if a friend such as Linda Burch left our community then we might rarely hear from her. But just as I was finishing up writing about the community being more connected today than ever before I received this post from Linda, via FB.
It isn't a political statement, just an example of the generosity of the human spirit.
It isn't about AMRShire and so you might wonder why I've linked it here.
Because it demonstrates our connectedness yes, but also because it shows the amazing things that ordinary people can do. Every great human endevour springs from one individual's thoughts and ideas. Along the way others will join in shaping that idea but someone has to have the passion and determination to make a start.
It also shows that powerful people do not have to be dismissive or disdainful of the masses, there are many instances of very powerful men and women treating their fellow citizens with respect and care. For that we can be grateful.
Letter from Julia
It isn't a political statement, just an example of the generosity of the human spirit.
It isn't about AMRShire and so you might wonder why I've linked it here.
Because it demonstrates our connectedness yes, but also because it shows the amazing things that ordinary people can do. Every great human endevour springs from one individual's thoughts and ideas. Along the way others will join in shaping that idea but someone has to have the passion and determination to make a start.
It also shows that powerful people do not have to be dismissive or disdainful of the masses, there are many instances of very powerful men and women treating their fellow citizens with respect and care. For that we can be grateful.
Letter from Julia
Saturday, 14 September 2013
Brian Burke
Back a few years we had a report in our local newspaper
about a visit to the shire CEO by Brian Burke and Julian Grill. This visit did
happen. It is a matter of record, a question was asked in Council by Councillor
Bob Wyburn.
Residential or Resort?
Gary Bennett
wrote a couple of good letters recently, he was asking why the shire councillors
would over-rule the professional planning staff we employ to give expert
advice. Good question Gary.
Can anyone
understand why we need more residential houses when we have no strategies for
economic development?
The Locust and the Bee
“If you want to make
money, you can choose between two fundamentally different strategies. One is to
create genuinely new value by bringing resources together in ways that serve
people’s wants and needs. The other is to seize value through predation, taking
resources, money, or time from others, whether they like it or not. Your
choice, in short, is whether to be a bee or a locust.”
Friday, 13 September 2013
End Feudal System?
The CSIRO reports from the $500,000 "Sustainable Futures"
project were completed in 2005, and have never been referred to by the Augusta
Margaret River Shire. Ask why?
Shire Squeaks?
When the
shire wants to engage the community does it shriek or squeak? If the planners
have some grand scheme in mind that will drop a few hundred homes into your neighbourhood
does it really want to know what you think?
The Collection Charge
My comments yesterday on rubbish were wrong, and the explanation in the AMRTimes made everything clear............... well, almost everything. I'm not a Deep Thinker, although trying my best I still have a few issues that need a little more explanation.
Thursday, 12 September 2013
Roads and Rubbish
We all know the shire have
failed us on roads, just take a look at the AMRMail to see how little respect
the farmers of Warner Glen are receiving. So how are they doing on rubbish?
Why do we sleep?
Anyone reading my previous post on the bed police and thinking I sounded too alarmist should listen to Russell Foster on the neuro science of sleep. During the late 1990s I undertook research into the health issues of those who work night shift, and many of their issues are common across any of the population who regularly experience less than good quality sleeping patterns.
Sleep is not a trivial issue.
Sleep is not a trivial issue.
The Bed Police
many people slept under your roof last night?
the spy in the sky have reported any extra visitors you accommodated to the
shire? Do you even know how many you’re allowed to have tucked up under your
roof? And who cares how many people you choose to cram into your house anyway?
Monday, 9 September 2013
In Praise of Genius - Olé!
Recently a negative comment has been made against my
suggestion that Belinda might be a good candidate for council.
“god, haven’t you got
enough on your plate.”
The Story of Stuff
For anyone thinking about rubbish, and many might suggest that all my thoughts are in that category ;-)
Annie Leonard is one woman, but she gathered a team and over the years their work has been inspirational and very effective.
Our local waste problem needs a few radical thoughts about the source of all the rubbish and so maybe Annie can spark off a little energy to provoke discussion.
Lessons with LOL Cats
This post is dedicated to George, a much loved cat.
Do we all understand how much power the community has?
Sunday, 8 September 2013
As I wrote
on the 19th August "Cost of Information" it seemed to some of us in Karridale that when
the WAPC planning officer visited us he told us that development would not
proceed in Karridale until there was a need for houses. He later confirmed, “Any revised plan should be predicated on a
demonstrated demand for lots in this location.”
Lurkers and Sneezers
Back in the day.... as Jack Reacher might say.
When I was researching the use of new technologies for communication and the formation of virtual communities we classified one group as "lurkers." These people visit a virtual space, stay around awhile, and make no comment. This is normal human behaviour in any group whether computer mediated communication(CMC) or Face-to-Face.
Often the lurkers will turn out to be "sneezers," this is a term that is used in marketing to describe the people who pass messages on, they are often the people who are more likely to be in jobs where they interface with the community. Jobs such as hairdresser, nurse, check-out assistant, etc.
The important thing to remember is that communication may be natural and necessary for all human beings but the way we choose to perform this activity will differ.
When I was researching the use of new technologies for communication and the formation of virtual communities we classified one group as "lurkers." These people visit a virtual space, stay around awhile, and make no comment. This is normal human behaviour in any group whether computer mediated communication(CMC) or Face-to-Face.
Often the lurkers will turn out to be "sneezers," this is a term that is used in marketing to describe the people who pass messages on, they are often the people who are more likely to be in jobs where they interface with the community. Jobs such as hairdresser, nurse, check-out assistant, etc.
The important thing to remember is that communication may be natural and necessary for all human beings but the way we choose to perform this activity will differ.
Revolving Door Problems?
The term “revolving door problem” is applied to the issue
of poachers who turn gamekeepers, and vice versa. This usually relates to people
employed by private corporations who then go to work for regulatory bodies or
public institutions, and maybe even flip back out into the private sector from
time to time. Some even have the chance to act as a free-lance consultant while
holding a salaried role within a public institution.
Say, for
example, working with the WAPC to define the requirements for a “liveable neighbourhood” and then working for a developer to push plans for a
liveable neighbourhood through Council.
Are we all comfortable
with that?
Or do some
of us see how it just might create a bias towards possibly framing the
requirements in a way that the development corporation would like them, rather than how the members of the community, who haven’t been asked at all, would actually like to live?
Does this
really matter?
It certainly
seemed to matter in the case of ENRON, and Lehmann Brothers, Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac, and many other examples. All major financial frauds involve some failure of implementation of adequate controls. In some cases this is more blatant than in others, but somewhere along the line the regulator has cut a little slack for the corporation, to the detriment of the society as a whole.
ENRON had a corporate
motto – “Ask Why?”
obviously not enough of their employees actually did ask why? Or possibly when
they received an answer written in weasel they were too shy, or too lacking in
confidence, or too bullied, or too whatever, to demand a more sensible answer.
But it was
an excellent motto, Ask Why?
We should
all be encouraged to ask why?
And in the
case of statutory planning we are entitled to ask why there is apparently no quarantine
period for urban planning professionals wishing to move between public and private
This is
important, not because we are accusing anyone of wrongdoing, or we lack the
capacity to trust, but because we know that intellectual property and insider
knowledge are business assets that must be ring fenced. If decisions are to be
made fairly and in accordance with the spirit of the legislative framework then
there cannot be any doubt about who the decision makers are representing.
Without the
clear boundaries that should exist between public and private interests in land
development there is a presumption that the “little
people” will lose out to the corporate bullies. We need to have confidence
that when our shire planning staff make recommendations they are clearly working for
Currently we have no confidence that the plans being approved for Karridale will benefit anyone but the two development corporations involved.
Ask Why?
Saturday, 7 September 2013
Dependency Ratios
dependency ratios matter to you?
Friday, 6 September 2013
Wilful Blindness
Does it
matter whether we get involved with the big issues or just get on with earning
our living, having fun, and let the other guys make all the tough decisions?
Thursday, 5 September 2013
The Wisdom of Psychopaths
The Wisdom of psychopaths is the title of a book by Kevin Dutton which is well worth
dipping into when the frustrations of life appear too challenging, and you’re
left wondering why?
Wednesday, 4 September 2013
Suspects or Citizens?
I’ll say up
front that I like Barry House. He’s always seemed a very amiable and pleasant
man, but unfortunately his views on the planning activities of the Augusta
Margaret River Shire do not accord with my own. Neither his experience of the
planning “process”, nor his assessment of the results of that process, match
with my own experience as a resident of this shire.
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
Alannah MacTiernan ?
A short extract from Hansard, 24th May 2000 the whole episode can be read on-line.
Why quote Alannah? Just to assure those readers who think that this old cluck from Karridale is the only person who believes that community consultation is not working too great in this shire, in this state. This was 13 years ago, and still we have the same problems......
significant proportion of our very high rate charges can be categorised as “externalities”.
We must all understand
what an externality is, and learn to recognise them, before we can begin to
address the issue of the shire costs. Unless we do this we run the risk of
trimming our budget in ways that reduce the quality of life for residents while
allowing the corporate profit takers to avoid their responsibilities and leave us with a whole range of
externality costs. An externality is a cost of business activity that is not
borne by the person or corporation undertaking that business.
Monday, 2 September 2013
James Lundy?
James Lundy, who is he?
He will be recorded in the history of Karridale. Future
generations will learn of his influence alongside MCDavies and other worthy gentlemen.
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Plus ça change, .....
search engines wonderful?
The tourism
trap was with us in 1999
The rate
hike that nobody anticipated, or welcomed ...
Saturday, 31 August 2013
Democracy for sale?
For as long as the absent investors/second
home owners can vote here residents in this shire will continue to have a
struggle keeping the values they want.
The shire has continued to allow
property development without commensurate employment opportunities thereby
guaranteeing that a high proportion of new properties are investment or holiday
Standing for Council?

Friday, 30 August 2013
The Wallcliffe Weasel
The shire have made much about their information leaflet and responses to the questions asked on social media. But have they really given any answers?
Here are my observations on a few.
Community Voice
This is the Facebook page for the Community Voice group
This is the Facebook page for the Community Voice group
Thursday, 29 August 2013
I am not a number
The CEO of AMRShire calls us the masses, and apparently his
staff think of us this way too.
The Bussleton Blog!
What a contrast there is between our shire’s reaction to
social media this past week and the proactive engagement with the community that residents of
Bussleton apparently receive with the The Bussleton blog.
Majority Rule v Good Governance
governance requires democracy; but our shire are strong on rhetoric but poor on
democratic performance. A majority
vote is not enough for our democratic rights to be served. The topic is covered
better in the The Report of the Inquiry into the City of Joondalup than I could do here.
Happy supporting tourism?
These are old news stories but they do still have relevance;
(Page 2, 3rd bullet point up from the bottom of the page)
Basically tourism is an expensive luxury.
Wednesday, 28 August 2013
Those Pesky CSIRO Reports
I have had an opportunity to examine the link to the CSIRO documents
that were placed on the shire website last week and I am appalled by what is
there. The shire have tricked me again!
Comment on Colyer's Claim
Augusta-Margaret River Shire President, Cr Ray Colyer, was quoted in the Augusta-Margaret River Mail yesterday;
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Value for Money?
The shire have probably been planning Karridale since around 2004, although it could have started long before then. They really hit their stride in 2007 when they launched the Karridale Concept Plan on the unsuspecting residents of that sleepy hollow down south.
Tuesday, 20 August 2013
Weasels at Work?
After 8 months of continued correspondence with the shire, via the CEO’s
office, I eventually obtained the information that the report on the public
submissions made in respect of the Karridale Concept Plan was finalised on 28th
May 2007.
Monday, 19 August 2013
Minister Hames
20th August 2013
Honourable Dr Kim Hames MB BS JP
Dear Minister Hames,
I am writing to you about a
planning issue at Karridale, in the shire of Augusta-Margaret River. In the
past your department has avoided dealing with my concerns by referring me to
the Minister for Planning.
Cost of Information
documents sent to support the planning for Karridale contained factual errors
and misleading statements. For example a report that the Karridale Progress
Association prepared to guide the refurbishment of the lavatories and kitchen at
the the Karridale hall, written in 2007,was described as a report on Community
Needs in 2013.
Needs in 2013.
Sunday, 18 August 2013
Working for Us?
When the plans for the 250 lot housing estates at
the Karridale crossroads were first advertised for public comment it will come
as no surprise to most readers that I had a few queries.
Monday, 12 August 2013
Horses of Leeuwin
Horses have been an integral part of the
Leeuwin landscape since the first European settlers arrived.
Saturday, 10 August 2013
Acting for Ugly People
“Politics is acting for ugly people, writing is acting
for shy people,” Lee Childs author of the Jack Reacher series.
The politics of this Shire certainly doesn’t favour the shy,
the introvert, those who think deeply about issues affecting their community
but have no public speaking ability, or the poor, or the employed, or anyone
with responsibilities at home.
Rednecks on Council?
Redneck is a derogatory slang term used in
reference to poor, uneducated white farmers. Usually the rustics who
want to keep their guns and refuse to adjust their cultural values to those of
the “liberal” left.
Why am I
mentioning rednecks now?
Friday, 9 August 2013
Thursday, 8 August 2013
Just a Mistake
I was getting a little frantic this morning as my emails remained unanswered and the 14th August was rapidly approaching. As a last attempt to get some info I rang the shire planning department. The delightful lady I spoke to calmed me down and asked me why I felt under such pressure
Call the Commission?
Over the past six years I have attempted to review
many shire documents but the procedure is always hampered by reports being
published without a date, or an author, or a version number. When Cr Colyer
gained approval for his subdivision in 2009
Monday, 5 August 2013
Policy for Bush Fire Risk Areas
AMRSC currently has a number of new local planning policies out for comment. One of these is intended to reduce our risk by recognizing that we live in a bush fire prone area and must plan as much risk out as possible at the early planning stage.
Sunday, 4 August 2013
Karridale Blogspot
Odd items have been posted over the past years that might be of interest here;
Sense of Place
Oftentimes the community are told by the shire and the councillors that this shire is focused on developing and maintaining a "sense of place". The entire planning strategy for Karridale was founded on such a notion. The professional planning staff believed that the resident community had no "sense of place"