Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Karridale priest missing!

The shire have expunged from the records all trace of our Karridale priest ever attending a workshop at the Karridale Hall. There is no longer a shred of evidence that he was there to witness the strange mob the planners rustled up to represent the Karridale community.
On the 19th February 2009 an Enquiry-by-Design workshop was held at the Karridale Hall. Council staff facilitated, the shire are not prepared to say how many shire staff, they will only comment that “several staff” were present. Greg Rowe, a consultant working for Juventus Pty Ltd, described this workshop as “fundamentally flawed”
It was claimed that 56 people attended but the community have never been allowed to see the details of those signing in, and the shire records for that day only indicate 47 people were there.
By not naming all the people attending it was possible to obscure who some of the people might have been. Let’s take a guess at who we might have seen there.
Did we see Brian Burke’s panama hat at table 3? Were Julian Grill and Norm Marlborough there with him? There looked to be someone with a strong resemblance to Michael Hale sitting at table 1, and we know he had something to do with the Kalgoorlie golf course and so it probably was him, Norm M would know him well. Who knows who was in the room?
If an investigator was asked to examine whether the community consultation had been flawed on that day they would be able to say that, “there was not a shred of evidence” that anything unusual occurred.
Who could actually offer us any eye-witness testimony as to who we saw in Karridale Hall that day? Who might be believed on a witness stand?

In a strange quirk one community member who most certainly did attend, and is local, and did participate, was not counted and not named. He was our local priest, sitting alongside me at table 4. He is completely missing from the shire records for the day. The devil is in the detail, and there is not a shred of evidence that the priest attended, they have eradicated him. Spooky! 

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