Sunday, 8 September 2013

Lurkers and Sneezers

Back in the day.... as Jack Reacher might say.
When I was researching the use of new technologies for communication and the formation of virtual communities we classified one group as "lurkers."  These people visit a virtual space, stay around awhile, and make no comment. This is normal human behaviour in any group whether computer mediated communication(CMC) or Face-to-Face.
Often the lurkers will turn out to be "sneezers," this is a term that is used in marketing to describe the people who pass messages on, they are often the people who are more likely to be in jobs where they interface with the community. Jobs such as hairdresser, nurse, check-out assistant, etc.
The important thing to remember is that communication may be natural and necessary for all human beings but the way we choose to perform this activity will differ.

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