After 8 months of continued correspondence with the shire, via the CEO’s
office, I eventually obtained the information that the report on the public
submissions made in respect of the Karridale Concept Plan was finalised on 28th
May 2007.
This information came directly from the planning officer who wrote the report. We knew that 81 people took the time to make submissions about the Concept Plan. That is probably an indication that the Karridale community were not apathetic about their locality.
This information came directly from the planning officer who wrote the report. We knew that 81 people took the time to make submissions about the Concept Plan. That is probably an indication that the Karridale community were not apathetic about their locality.
The author of the report further stated that at some time between 28th
May 2007 and December 2008 the CEO decided the report would be buried and the
whole planning process for Karridale would start again. He said that because
the report has never been before Council it is not a public document and I
would need to make a Freedom of Information request in order to obtain a copy.
I discussed this requirement with the Freedom of Information officer and
followed up with a formal request in writing as agreed.
Email sent 7th August 2013
As discussed earlier I would like to see the
1 the schedule of public submissions relating to
the Karridale Concept Plan and
2 the officer’s report relating to the Karridale
Concept Plan, the plan was undated, and author not specified, but we know the report
was presented to the community February 2007, and we were advised by Andre
Schonfeldt that the officer's report was dated 28th May 2007, and
then taken off the agenda by "the CEO" and has never been taken back
to Council and this is why it is not a public document.
3 Any correspondence between officers of the shire
and Greg Rowe and Associates responding to a four page letter that was sent by
Greg Rowe to the Chief Executive Officer, AMRShire, on 12th June
2009, relating to planning for Karridale. (We do have a copy of the letter Greg
Rowe sent)
Please note what I asked for, and especially note what I didn’t ask for.
I did not ask for a copy of the Karridale Concept Plan, which was widely
distributed to the community in 2007.
Email received from the FOI Officer 7th August 2013
Hi Heather
Just letting you know I had a quick
look in the system and I’m a bit confused as to what happened to the Concept
I’m going to wait for the Manager of
Planning to come back from annual leave on Monday so he can help me investigate
further and I’ll let you know what I come up with.
Kind regards
Dear Heather
I have now gone through all the files
covering development of the Karridale Hamlet Settlement Strategy.
I have started putting together the
information you have requested but will need to check with our Freedom of
Information Officer before I can send this out. I should be able to meet with her
Kind regards
Email received from
the FOI Officer 14th August 2013
Hi Heather
Just letting you know I haven’t had a
chance to catch up with the Planning Officer, we are hoping to meet by the end
of the week.
I’ll keep you posted.
Kind regards
Make a note of
that – I’ll keep you posted
Email received
from a Planning Officer 15th August 2013
Hi Heather
This is to provide you with an update
on the information you have requested.
Both the FOI officer and I have been
extremely busy this week. We had to shift our last appointment to deal with an
urgent appeal matter.
We are meeting tomorrow afternoon and
will get back to you as soon as we can.
Kind regards
Emails received
from the Planning Officer 16th August 2013 (two emails have been combined
for brevity)
Dear Heather
Further to my earlier email please find attached:
In regard to
your request for a copy of the officer’s report prepared after advertising the
first version of the KHSS in 2007, I advise that no report was ever prepared.
(from the first email)
Report about
the Karridale Concept Plan presented to the community in early 2007;
Attachments 1,
2 & 3 to report presented to Council on 9 February 2011; and
Future Final Report’ by CSIRO and the Shire dated September 2005.
In a cute turn
of phrase she comments on “the first
version of the KHSS in 2007” Nobody outside the Planning Department would
recognise the Concept Plan as this. Then she states that she sent me a “Report about the Karridale Concept
Plan” which was exactly what I had asked, for but in her previous email she
explained that no such document exists. She actually sent me a copy of the
original Karridale Concept Plan, plus attachments from 2011 and a CSIRO report
that I had not asked for. Curious. For a person still operating with the
restrictions of a dial-up connection this is a painful waste of time and money.
In a week when the shire’s costs are under scrutiny it’s a waste of everybody’s
And then I
waited for a response from the FOI Officer to make contact, but there was no
response at all. No comment at all from the FOI Officer. She did say she would keep me posted. I wonder is everything
now being handled by the Planning Officers?
Email sent by
me to FOI Officer 20th August 2013
Am I expected to pay you money now for the FOI
requests made on 5th and 12th August 2013?
If so how much?
Email received from
the FOI Officers automated reply system 20th August 2013
Welcome to the Shire
of Augusta-Margaret River and thank you for your email. I am out of the office,
returning 4 February 2013. In my
absence you can redirect your enquiry to Raye Golding by emailing Alternatively you can phone our Customer Service
Team direct on 08 9780 5255 for assistance. Office hours are: Margaret River
Administration Centre Monday to Friday 9am-4pm Augusta Administration Centre
Monday to Friday 9am-Noon, 1-4pm Margaret River Works Depot Monday to Friday 7am-3.30pm
So it’s back to the future time and it looks like I’ll need
to start a whole new round of FOI dialogues if I want any information.
Could they possibly be stalling for time, hoping that this
Karridale planning will pass through Council before any information is
They did it in 2011. Kept me waiting 8 months and sent the strategy
document to the WAPC without notifying the community at all.
When Gary Evershed wrote to me on 26th July he was
very polite; “I would encourage you, if
you have issues with that information or comments that may inform the process,
to make a formal submission through that process.” Further, he also said
that he appreciates my observations and was practically asking me to be his
penfriend and continue to send in comments.
I could comment that as a ratepayer I am concerned that all
the shire staff appear to communicate in “weasel,”
the language of the obfuscator and avoider, they appear unable to communicate in any plain language. Weasel is
the language Gary uses when he suggests that he welcomes my comments on
the information when I have just complained to him that I cannot access the
information I need.
This has been an expensive waste of time. For senior staff
at the shire to be sending so many emails apologising for not answering
questions, or just incorrectly answering them, must surely warrant some kind of
in-depth operational review or value-for-money audit.
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