documents sent to support the planning for Karridale contained factual errors
and misleading statements. For example a report that the Karridale Progress
Association prepared to guide the refurbishment of the lavatories and kitchen at
the the Karridale hall, written in 2007,was described as a report on Community
Needs in 2013.
I was named as having met with the developer’s agent for the purpose of discussing community needs, which I knew I hadn’t. Michael Hale, a member of a property group based in NSW, was described as a “... local property developer” Two public lavatories were recorded, Karridale has none.
Needs in 2013.
I was named as having met with the developer’s agent for the purpose of discussing community needs, which I knew I hadn’t. Michael Hale, a member of a property group based in NSW, was described as a “... local property developer” Two public lavatories were recorded, Karridale has none.
decided to check the report thoroughly and ensure the good folk at the WAPC
were not being misled.
My email
sent to Planning Manager 24th June 2013
Market Research
There are a number of references to extensive
market research throughout the document but no indication of the
design, methodology, sampling and analysis methods used etc. However, Richard
Pawluk does state that the research was provided to the Shire and this should
clarify matters to everyone’s satisfaction and will inform an assessment of how
well the proposed development will meet future housing needs.
Reply email from Planning Manager 24th
June 2013
I haven’t seen the ‘market research’ that I can recall and can’t find
any record of it on our system... If you could tell me what reference you
are looking at that would be useful, the only one I could see is where, in the
amended structure plan report it says market research was verified at a Shire
Enquiry by Design workshop. I presume what is being alluded to there is
that people at the workshop responded with a preferences for lot sizes similar
to what is proposed.
My email to Planning Manager 28th
June 2013
The position I have at the moment is that the shire
have failed to provide me with information relied on to support P212145
"I haven’t seen the ‘market research’ that I can recall and can’t
find any record of it on our system."
This is not an answer. Maybe one of your staff has
seen it?
I am happy to deal with one of you planning
officers direct on such trivial matters of detail, but the devil is in the
detail. It is important to the community and to the shire if they are to
demonstrate the integrity of the planning process. If the shire have lost
the documents they need to obtain a further copy from the proponent. Without
this there will be no audit trail.
We were assured by the WAPC in 2009 that no KHSS
would be endorsed without a "demonstrated
need". The shire then sent a revised KHSS for endorsement without
community consultation. You have an unhappy community in Karridale and we need
to be treated respectfully, making it difficult for us to obtain the documents
we need is disrespectful.
If the shire no longer have the documents I asked
for in my email of 24th June then please ask the proponent for duplicate
copies. It is impossible to assess the veracity of the document for which they
provide support. Neither community members, nor Councillors, should be expected
to assess documents sent out prior to scrutiny by planning officers.
My email to Planning Officer 28th
June 2013
Further to our phone call the documents I am
seeking are those given to the shire to support assertions within the Ammended
Community Facilities Need Plan January 2013 produced by Melvista Park for Nutan
Pty Ltd.
Page 23 Section 7.3.2 (This research has been
provided to the Shire under separate cover)
My email to Planning Officer 5th
July 2013
I really do need the supporting documents I asked
Nick Logan for on the 24th June. This stuff is current as there is a second
development at Karridale that is supported by the same research and
consultations that we have not had a chance to assess.
Reply email from Planning Officer 12th
July 2013
In regard to clause 7.3.2 ‘Provided by Developer’ I have not yet been
able to put my hands on the market research provided to the Shire by the
developer. I have just spoken to the Applicant and he confirmed that this
research was in regard to discussions with local real estate agents on 3
occasions – the first being in approximately 2006 (with 3 real estate
agents). On the other two occasions, two real estate agents were
canvassed each time (however I am not sure of the dates). I have asked
the Applicant to send through a copy of this market research (there is a lot of
background files on Karridale and it would likely be quicker to receive it this
way). I will forward this through when received.
Although I fully deserve my
reputation as an extremely patient woman by this time I had reason to doubt
that any supporting material would arrive to “demonstrate need” for housing estates at Karridale and I made an
official complaint to Gary Evershed, CEO, advising him that the quality of the
documentation provided was inadequate for a rustic such as myself to form any
opinion at all.
How can I comment if I have no
information? Do the planning officers and councillors rely on the
unsubstantiated statements made by the property developers?
My email sent to Gary Evershed 15th
July 2013
...... Richard Pawluk was also given the task of reporting
on the needs of our community,
and for that he seems to have had no need to bring in experts at all. He alone
can assess our social and economic needs.
Reading his documents proved difficult because there
continue to be delays in obtaining supporting material relating to the
Karridale proposal. Documents that were cited in the report as “... lodged with the shire” were not
available. The fact that the
supporting reports were not readily available is a strong indication that nobody
within the shire has attempted to authenticate any of the material supplied by
Richard Pawluk.
One of the responses from your Planning Manager;
“I haven’t seen the
‘market research’ that I can recall and can’t find any record of it on our
system. ..... I presume what is being alluded to there is that people at the
workshop responded with a preference for lot sizes similar to what is
you comfortable that strategic planning for our community is based on
presumption and allusion of what property developers would like to sell?
He replied by Auspost.
This introduced an element of
delay that hints at why he is earning significantly more than the planning
officer. And it was a terrific response, so reassuring.
Reply letter from Gary Evershed 26th
July 2013
.... It is entirely typical and appropriate that proposals put forward
for rezoning and structure planning are supported by information that is
prepared by and at the expense of the proponent. This information is then subject
to evaluation through the assessment and consultation process and I would
encourage you, if you have issues with that information or comments that may
inform the process, to make formal submission through that process...... which
is informed by an opportunity for the community to comment through the formal
consultation process.
I appreciate your observations and look forward to receiving any comments you may have as a submission to assist this process.
I was rather afraid that relying
on the material provided by property developers always had been typical for
this shire. But he does want my comments if I have issues with the information, so that’s good. I’m still waiting to
see the information.
My email to Planning Officer 8th
August 2013
On 12th July you advised that as soon as you
received the market research provided by the developer you would send it
to me, this was first requested from your manager on the 24th June. Have you
sent it? If it has been lost please resend your original email and
telephone me to confirm.
Reply email from
Planning Officer 12th August 2013 at 4.10pm
In regard to your email below and request for market research
information from Richard Pawluk - this has been received and I will forward to
you now under separate cover.
Second email from Planning Officer 12th August 2013 29 minutes later at 4.39pm
(clearly looking for a sympathy vote, this is the “dog ate my homework” moment)
I just spent
about an hour getting the various documents from Richard Pawluk together to
email you – but the scanner on the photocopy machine has just decided to stop
unfortunately I am unable to send through this information to you until
tomorrow morning. I will do it as soon as I can in the morning.
Would you believe it!
Me neither.
All that office space and the shire has just one scanner, and
no possibility of sending it by post to this old lady who has already discussed
the fact that she’s only on dial-up and can’t easily receive large data files
as downloads.
Just as well there was an equipment failure because at the
precise moment they were poised to deliver the information the FOI officer must
have joined in the discussion about sharing the information.
Maybe just wandered over to see what was happening around the
broken photocopier?
Next morning I waited, and waited, but four days elapsed
before I heard the news.
Response email from Planning Officer 16th August 2013
I apologise for
undertaking to send through the market research information to you. I had
initially assumed that I could forward this straight on, but the Freedom of
Information officer has confirmed that this needs to be requested through FOI.
I note that you
are also concerned about inaccuracies contained in the ‘Community Facility
Needs Plan & Developer Contributions Plan’ report prepared by Melvista Park
Pty Ltd. This report has been prepared by the developer to support their
application. Part of the purpose of the advertising process is to receive
feedback from community members and government agencies about the accuracy (or
otherwise) of supporting documentation. I note the concerns that you have
raised and once I have finished collating all of the issues arising out of the
advertising process I will be going back to the Applicant to discuss. In
particular it is critical that the conclusions of these supporting documents
are sound.
Did you notice the statement explaining the purpose of the advertising
They really do want my feedback about the accuracy, or
otherwise, of the documentation and it’s critical that the conclusions of these
supporting documents are sound, but they can’t give me any information.
Both the Planning Manager and the Planning Officer have been
working at the shire for many years, these are very experienced planners. Is
this the first request for supporting information they have ever received?
Should it take close on two months to be told that the
information is not available without a FOI request?
In a commercial organisation no document would be sent out
for comment before the accuracy of data is checked, it is just wasting
everybody’s time. We may all have different opinions, and that’s good, but we
need to be working from the same data.
Can you wonder the rates are so high?
We need to remove local planning departments completely.
1 comment:
I have now paid my $30 and been advised that the developer has been asked if the supporting research can be released for public scrutiny.
All this fuss, why can't I just believe what I'm told?
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